
K-5 Core Instruction

Students receive at least 90 minutes of reading and writing instruction each day. A balanced literacy framework is used, involving whole and small group instrucion as well as literary stations.

Students receive 60-75 minutes of daily instruction in math with the Everyday Mathematics program. This spiraling curriculum is aligned to the Iowa Core, utilizes a real-world, problem-solving approach, and allows students to revisit concepts regularly throughout the school year.

Student also engage in 30 minutes daily science and social studies instruction that is aligned to the Iowa Core standards.

Additional Learning Opportunities

Elementary students also receive instruction in art, music, physical education, library, technology, health, and guidance on a five-day cycle. These courses provide students with a well-rounded education.

5th grade students have the opportunity to participate in band. Students practice individually and in ensembles as well as perform in school concerts.

Academic Supports

Special education services are available for all students who qualify for an Individual Educational Plan.

One highly qualified teacher is available for early childhood, and two highly qualified teachers serve students in grades K-6th grade. In addition, one of these teachers specializes in working with dyslexic students.

Title I services for reading and math are available for any student needing an extra dose of instruction in either content area. Reading Recovery is offered to 1st grade students who are considered at-risk readers. These identified students receive an additional 30 minutes of intense 1:1 reading instruction with a highly qualified teacher.

Talented and Gifted programming options are organized as the Earlham Extended Learning Program (EELP) for elementary students. While we strive
to meet the needs of all students in the general curriculum by providing diverse course work, extracurricular activities, and off-campus opportunities, the district recognizes the need to further challenge students who exhibit accelerated and unique abilities.

Our comprehensive Guidance and Counseling program is designed to meet the developmental needs of all students. Its purpose is to contribute to the overall success of student learning. The Earlham Elementary program is closely aligned with the recommendations of the American School Counselor Association.